Monday, September 19, 2016

On Thursday, September 22, we will begin our Spiritual Practices Workshop.  Our first topic will be Sacred Reading.  You might know the practice by its other name, Lectio Divina.

The practice of Sacred Reading involves choosing a passage of scripture or other devotional book. You don't have to pick a passage before we meet.  I will have a short passage for us to practice with and you may pick something else to work with for yourself at home.

Sacred Reading has four parts:

Reading (lectio)
Meditation (meditatio)
Prayer (oratio)
Contemplation (contemplatio)

We will discuss the history and method of the practice, and work with a short passage.  See you then.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

I have been away this week for my grandfather's funeral.  Will post information about Sacred Reading when I return.  Our first Workshop session will be next Thursday, Sept. 22, at 7PM.